Exchange visit of Rwandese dairy cooperative to the Netherlands


A delegation from the IAKIB dairy cooperative from the Gicumbi district of Rwanda is visiting the Netherlands for an exchange study tour from 8 to 14 July. The delegation together with the local agricultural advisor,  Remy Muramira, and the Agriterra’s business advisors have formulated a weekly plan of instructive visits.

IAKIB is a primary dairy cooperative counting 4003 members in 2016, reaching an impressive increase of almost 570% in approximately one year. The main business  activity of IAKIB is the collection of raw milk and, secondarily, is the process of maize flour and animal feeds. Agiterra is supporting the cooperative to meet its ambition, that is to expand their animal feeding factory while linking the cooperative to financing.

New knowledge

The exchange tour aims to provide the IAKIB delegation with new knowledge about how to increase their productivity and discover options for processing of milk or not. Agriterra, also, ensures that the cooperative will get inspired by Dutch farmers on how to improve farming practices and receive information about the latest equipment that is needed for expanding their animal feeding factory.

The planned visits to different Dutch dairy farmers, dairy cooperative Noorderlandmelk, dairy processing factory Royal A-ware, CRV Dairy Breeding Centre, dairy equipment company Ante BV, ForFarmers and Rabobank, are only a part of the rich and educative weekly schedule of this study tour.

Thanks to the many leading and well known cooperatives, farmers and companies that have pledged to contribute to this study tour. We are looking forward to providing knowledge and information from the experts to the IAKIB cooperative and eventually realise their ambitions.

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