The Asociación Nacional de Productores de Quinua


The Asociación Nacional de Productores de Quinua (ANAPQUI) is a key player Bolivia in the quinoa sector, representing 2.080 small and medium producers of quinoa. In 2016 their sales reached a value of 21,3 million euros, of which 60% through export.

Old plant

Collaboration with Agriterra

In 2016 ANAPQUI initiated collaboration with Agriterra to renovate its quinoa processing plant, improving operational excellence to reduce production costs, and also implementing an integrated measurement system to have realtime information to calculate production costs.  


At the end of 2016 ANAPQUI succeeded in finishing a feasibility plan and with their investment plan they generated 120,000 Euros, 70% from the national bank and 30% from their own capital. The plant construction is 85% completed, and the first batch of machines arrived late 2016. In 2017 the plant will be finished and in full operation.

To improve the quality of quinoa during intake, quality standards were determined and shared with the members. The standards are focused on the level of impurities allowed in the raw material, and thanks to these standards losses have been reduced with 7%.  

The integrated measurement system was designed by Bolivian experts, and to enable capacity building by ANAPQUI staff and directors, an exchange visit to Perú to CoopNoradino was organized, getting experience about the relevance and use of this type of management support tool. After this exhange anAgriPool expert in cost planning and accounting from CoopNorandino advised ANAPQUI in the analysis of its processes and accounts. The system will be in full use in 2017.

New plant






Jansbuitensingel 7
6811 AA Arnhem
The Netherlands

+31 (0)26 44 55 445