Increase intake and milling of maize (2)

Ng'arua biggest challenge is to increase produce supplied by its members. As mentioned in the narrative report 2014: "Milling has started again and 100 bags per day is the right target towards profitability. Selling the flour locally is easier as maize harvest Nov/Dec 2014 has very low yields. Due to lack of working capital and continued hesitance of members 'do we get paid for delivered maize?' makes the mill still run about 3 days/week, so below capacity to break even." Besides access to working capital, it is also needed to improve overall business operations and governance, and finally to increase member commitment. Not an easy task at all, but draft business plan was elaborated in 2014 and during cooperative governance training in January 2015, plan of approach to tackle governance issues was elaborated. As was mentioned during the training: now there is a plan, there is no excuse for failure.


€ 26885.18


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6811 AA Arnhem
The Netherlands

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